Today:March 12, 2025, Wednesday

Author page: aasin

Today:March 12, 2025, Wednesday

Author page: aasin

What is my facial skin type? Loreal Paris BMAG Article Our Foolproof Skin Care Routine For All Skin Types D

What is my facial skin type?

To choose the right corrective facial care, you need to be guided by your skin type and needs. An incorrectly chosen beauty routine can worsen the condition of the epidermis, provoke excessive sebum production, cause irritation, dryness and discomfort. To eliminate such negative changes, we will tell you how to determine your facial skin type yourself.
Diaper rash in newborns: why they appear and how to get rid of them shutterstock 161352227featured

Diaper rash in newborns: why they appear and how to get rid of them

Diaper rash is a skin irritation that appears due to exposure to various factors (friction, constant contact with moisture, etc.). Diaper rash also occurs in adults, but more often in young children. If you notice this problem in time, you can deal with it quickly, eliminating any complications. The main thing is to carefully monitor the baby’s condition and strictly follow the pediatrician’s recommendations.
Bags under the eyes - how to remove them cover dark circles under eyes tips

Bags under the eyes – how to remove them

Puffiness and dark circles in the eye area are a common problem. Some people experience bags under the eyes at an early age, and this is not only a sign of chronic fatigue, but also an indicator of overall health. Many factors can provoke the problem: lack of sleep, poor diet, bad habits. In addition, experts have established a genetic predisposition to the formation of characteristic bags. And we developed methods for successfully combating them.
How to treat acne in kids and teeagers el acne belleza 6061379 1

How to treat acne in kids and teeagers

It so happens that pimples or acne on the face and body of a child appear before the onset of adolescence, at about 8-9 years old, and are not perceived as a serious problem. However, you should not ignore this fact; the situation can worsen significantly, so it is important to pay close attention to such symptoms. We will tell you in this article what causes pimples and how to help your child.
How to make homemade skin moisturizer for face wp moisturize

How to make homemade skin moisturizer for face

Do you want to look good? Moisturizing your facial skin at home using folk remedies is the most effective and fastest way to achieve this. It’s no secret that good appearance directly depends on well-groomed, healthy skin. Moisturizing is an essential procedure necessary to maintain the tone and elasticity of your skin. Everyone knows that with a lack of moisture, the first wrinkles appear. Owners of depleted skin subsequently begin to look for all sorts of ways to restore their previous appearance, and the effect can be achieved at home by moisturizing the face with folk remedies.
What are makeup primers and how to use it Makeup Primer Explainer Social Lede

What are makeup primers and how to use it

Facial primer is the secret weapon of makeup artists, migrating from the catwalks to women’s cosmetic bags. Makeup gurus don’t start makeup on the face, lips, eyes, or even eyelashes without a thin layer of foundation, which they claim “changes everything”: it makes the application process easier, improves the appearance of makeup on the face, and even saves on other makeup products.Although primers came into use back in the last century – their creator is said to be makeup artist and founder of the Laura Mercier brand Laura Mercier – many still do not use them in daily makeup. But in vain they make life much easier.
What is face mask? how to apply 3e3224a4f240048a754b45f3ad19f7b6

What is face mask? how to apply

So much has been written about the healing properties of clay, but from time to time we forget about this proven method of not only thoroughly cleansing the skin, but also healing it from the inside. By drawing out impurities from the pores, the clay mask simultaneously enriches the deeper layers of the skin with beneficial microelements. It is ideal for any type of dermis and helps to comprehensively cope with dermatological problems.