Puffiness and dark circles in the eye area are a common problem. Some people experience bags under the eyes at an early age, and this is not only a sign of chronic fatigue, but also an indicator of overall health. Many factors can provoke the problem: lack of sleep, poor diet, bad habits. In addition, experts have established a genetic predisposition to the formation of characteristic bags. And we developed methods for successfully combating them.
What are bags under the eyes?
In the problem area, the skin loses elasticity, fatty deposits and fluid accumulate under it in the intercellular space. As a result, the eyelids become puffy, sagging areas appear under the eyes, which fill with fatty tissue, forming peculiar bags. Essentially, these are fatty hernias that take on various shades, indicating certain problems:
- dark black and blue colors indicate that natural blood flow and oxygen starvation are reduced in the problem area;
- redness of the bags indicates the development of inflammatory processes;
- green tones indicate renal pathologies;
- brown color means liver problems and excess melatonin in the blood.
The bags themselves are harmless and are a purely cosmetic problem. They can be permanent, indicating systemic or chronic problems, or temporary, most pronounced in the morning. With age, the situation only gets worse; drastic solutions have to be used to get rid of the bags.

Causes of bags under the eyes
There are dozens of physiological factors that provoke the development of problems: genetics, excessive fluid intake, overwork, age. But most often it is the body’s signal about diseases of individual organs and entire systems. Common reasons:
- Heart:- Functionality decreases, the intensity of blood circulation decreases. Excess water accumulates.
- Kidneys:- A number of kidney diseases lead to edema due to protein loss, changes in metabolic processes, and fluid accumulation.
- Liver:- Organ dysfunction leads to impaired albumin synthesis, swelling of the eyelids, and the appearance of bags, which are symptoms of hepatitis or cirrhosis.
- Impact of drugs:-When taken systematically, some drugs (for example, hormonal) delay the secretion of fluid.
- Age:- As we age, the volume of periorbital fat in the eye area increases. The connecting membrane ceases to cope with its retention – and bags form.
- Sleep deficiency:- Leads to chronic fatigue, stress, and an increase in cortisol levels, which prevents fluid removal.
- Cosmetics:- The body produces antibodies against certain drugs, considering them antigens. Allergic reactions are observed.
- Lifestyle:- Problems are caused by alcohol, spicy and fried foods. High salt content stimulates fluid retention in the body.
Psychosomatics can have a negative effect by stimulating the production of cortisol. The cause of the appearance of bags can be conjunctivitis, infections, injuries, wearing lenses, endocrine disorders and other diseases.

How to remove bags under the eyes
The severity and nature of the problem is important here. After all, bags under the eyes, for example, can appear in a woman at a certain period of her cycle and quickly go away. For mild or temporary problems, it is enough to include a salt-free diet so that excess fluid leaves the body. It is also recommended to review your routine, allocating at least 8 hours for sleep. Also, some “folk” methods can help with temporary bags under the eyes:
- Applying tea:- Tannins help relieve mild inflammation, normalize blood circulation and color.
- Cold compresses:- Constriction of blood vessels will partially relieve swelling and improve skin tone.
- Medicinal lotions:- Herbal infusions of varying concentrations are used.
- Cucumber masks:- This vegetable can relieve swelling and inflammation and moisturize the skin:- A number of cosmetic products are produced on its basis.
Another option is to select a cream, mask or lotion for daily care that will help prevent and get rid of eyelid hernia. But cosmetic products can solve the problem only in the early stages and give a short-lived effect. They are not able to completely remove permanent bags. But here too there is a solution that plastic surgery offers. This is blepharoplasty.
Yes, beauty salons can offer a dozen procedures of varying degrees of intensity as an alternative. These include lymphatic drainage massages, various rejuvenation techniques, SPRS therapy, microcurrent exposure , biorevitalization or Botox injections , tightening, etc. But most often they are not able to completely remove permanent bags under the eyes and have a temporary effect of a few months maximum.

Blepharoplasty is a successful operation to remove bags
When home remedies do not help, proper sleep and proper nutrition are not able to restore a healthy complexion and remove puffiness under the eyes, a small operation will get rid of the bags. Blepharoplasty is the removal of excess skin on the eyelids and surgical removal of bags under the eyes. At the same time, fat deposits are also removed.
Blepharoplasty is classified as plastic surgery, as it leads to rejuvenation and correction of appearance to improve facial aesthetics. Based on the type of defect being eliminated, operations are divided into:
- Top or bottom. During the process, the patient gets rid of fat deposits and excess skin on the upper or lower eyelids.
- Circular. At the same time, the areas of the upper and lower eyelids are tightened.
- Transconjunctival plastic surgery. A more gentle technique with an incision of the conjunctival surface. There is no pain, recovery is much faster.

As a result, in one operation the patient can not only get rid of bags and deposits, but also significantly improve his appearance and remove wrinkles.